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Do it yourself best acne face wash

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:45 am

Among the youngsters acne is being one of the constant issues. Loads and loads of commercial products like acne scrub, acne face wash, and various acne soaps are launched in the market by targeting these people. Some are quite costly too. More over all these over the counter acne products are made up of harmful chemical ingredients. These can harm your skin rather than healing your acne. If you want to find out the best acne face wash, well let’s make it now. When preparing the face wash for acne you should be very careful with the ingredients. Here in our cash we are going to use only the natural ingredients so you can use it confidently.

Face wash for acne


Start preparing our best acne face wash by collecting the below ingredients.

10 – 12 drops Tea Tree Oil

It is one of the most powerful anti-fungal & antibacterial agents which will work effectively on treating the acne. Researchers have shown how it works just like any other artificial compounds which are found in the over the counter face washes and creams. Tea tree oil can be purchased at your local health food shops.

One tablespoon of lemon juice

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C it destroys the acne causing bacteria. Addition of lemon in acne face wash helps your skin to get an appealing new look by tightening and refreshing the skin.

2 tablespoon of potato juice

This ingredient is an optional one. It has anti inflammatory agents which help your skin to get rid of the feel of irritation. You can use a juicier or a blender to prepare the raw potato juice.

4 tbsp of Apple Cider Vinegar

It destroys all the harmful bacteria from your skin and it removes all the excess oil from your skin. So it helps controlling the oily skin.

2 tbsp of Honey

Benefit of honey for skin has been spoken for years and years. It provides many benefits to our skin with its anti bacterial and moisturizing properties.

Two inches of Cucumber

Just as cucumber is another gift of nature which works well in opening and cleansing the pores of our skin.

3/4 cup of Oatmeal Powder

You can either use a powdered oat meal which you can purchase it from your local stores. Or you can take the raw oat meal and make a powder with the help of blender. Oatmeal has been known for giving the relief for allergic reactions, healing the redness, inflammation and skin burns.


Take all the required ingredients in the specified quantity and pour into a food processor. Add water slowly and make it as a fine paste. Store this paste in some plastic container and close it tightly. To preserve better you can keep it in the refrigerator. You can keep it up to 1 week.

How to use this face wash for acne

Take small quantity of our best acne face wash and apply it on your face. Let it stay there up to some ten to fifteen minutes of time. Rinse off with the warm water. After that pat dry using a soft towel.

Top 4 Natural skin care recipes using honey

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:42 am

Really we can’t find any simpler effective way to bring a smooth glowing effect to our skin than the honey brings. Rich properties like retaining the moisture in our skin make it as an ideal element which can be added in almost all beauty products. Honey keeps our skin hydrated thus preventing it from getting dry. This is the secret that lies behind the magic done by the honey.  If you want to keep your skin young, smooth and radiant then use the honey with the milk. If anyone asks how to get healthy skin then my answer would be the suggestion for honey. Also read more about Natural face moisturizer.

Well known medicinal properties like anti-microbial & antioxidant properties help the honey to protect your skin from the possible damages occurs due to the sun’s rays.  Do you know our skin have the ability to regenerate the depleted skin periodically? Honey stimulates and boosts this ability so your skin will start feeling like silky soft. Honey can be used in all minor acne treatment which is caused by the hormonal changes in our body. It is of course one of the most valuable benefit we can derive from the honey. In acupuncture terms honey helps in managing the yin yang imbalance of our body. Honey act as a cleansing agent by removing the dusts and other impurities from the pores presented on our skin. With the wide variety of natural skin care recipes available in the market there is wonder you can find wide range of products made out of honey for the baby care, hair care, hand lotions, sunscreen lotions, moisturizers and facial scrubs.

If you want to use natural skin care recipes for your skin made out of honey here are some recipes. These all are do-it-yourself very easy making recipes. Prepare it in your own and enjoy the perks of honey for skin. Ingredients you need to make the recipes are all easily available. So you shouldn’t skimp on the honey for skin recipes.

1. Cucumber Honey Toner

Take 1 cucumber and Puree it in a blender, make it as a juice. Take two teaspoon full of honey and pour it into the cucumber juice. Stir it well. Now add the mixture into an empty jar and blend it well. You can apply this honey toner on your face & neck area. Leave it dry in the air. Once it gets dried rinse off with the water. You can keep this cucumber Honey Toner in the refrigerator and can store up to a week. You can do it at the night and morning.

2. Honey Apple Toner

Take a food processor or a blender and pour one peeled and sliced apple, one table spoon of honey. Mash up until it gets smooth. Take the mixture and apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes. Let it dry and rinse off. This honey for skin recipe will give you an instant glow.

3. Face Scrub using the Honey and Oats

Take one table spoon of honey, one table spoon of finely ground almonds, 2 table spoon of dried oatmeal, small quantity of lemon juice, yogurt with any facial scrub. Apply it on your face and massage it on the upward circular motion. Let it stay in your face for few minutes and rinse it with the warm water. This honey for skin natural skin care recipes helps cleaning the pores.

4. Honey Cleanser

Take one table spoon of liquid soap, 1⁄4 cup honey and half cup of glycerin. Blend it thoroughly and apply on your face with the help of any facial tissues or sponge. Wash it off with the warm water and let it dry.

How To Prepare A homemade face moisturizer

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:41 am

Before making the home made homemade face moisturizer you should understand why you should choose the natural face moisturizer over the commercial one. Reason is obvious right? When you use the commercial face moisturizer you can’t have a control over the chemical ingredients which are used in the product. But when it comes for your homemade face moisturizer with your own preparation you can carefully choose the things you are going to apply on your face. Here you can opt for natural ingredients as per your choice. Sometimes it is cost effective too. You can just prepare it with the available ingredients in your home. Get to know what does toner do.

Natural face moisturizer

Here I have given a Natural moisturizer for face which can be prepared with low cost yet it will act as a truly refreshing product. Believe it or not right at your home, you can get a result just as you are getting from spa-treatments. The following natural face moisturizer can be applied to any type of skin with little modification. Even if your skin is sensitive one you can use it without any fear.

Here what you are going to need.


  • ½ cup bees wax
  • Vitamin E capsules
  • 1 cup avocado oil or 1 cup liquid almond
  • Wooden spoons
  • A sterile glass or a plastic jar
  • Wire whisk
  • small pot
  • Fragrant oils like lavender oil


Take a small pot pour a ½ cup of bees wax and Poach in the medium heat. Depends on the availability you can either take the avocado oil or almond oil. Pour these into the pot which already have the beeswax. As the cooked mixture melts continue to stir it with the wooden spoon. Once everything gets melted, remove the pot from the heat & whisk off till the melted mixture gets cool. If you wish you can add the fragrant oil or any fragrances you like. It may be anything like lemon, rose, lavender or sandalwood. Stir everything until it gets mixed up fully. Now add the vitamin E capsule contents to the mixture. Stir it well again. Okay now you are ready with your homemade face moisturizer.

You can store this Natural moisturizer for face under any cool dark place. You can use the mixture when it cooled down completely. If you want to preserve it better you can keep the moisturizer in your refrigerator. You can’t use this moisturizer after a month. You should prepare it again.

You can make this moisturizer to suit all skin types by doing some little modification.

Modifications to suit all skin type

Problematic skin

If your skin type is problematic and is often prone to pigmentation, acne, dryness, redness, sunburns or any other kinds of infections for better results you can consider adding the aloe Vera gel to the prepared natural face moisturizer. Aloe Vera is well known for its amino acids, beneficial enzymes, vitamins and minerals. So it will shows up an extra ordinary healing effect on our skin.

Modification to the oily skin

When your skin is too oily often you should clean your skin along with the hot water especially you need to clean the skin before applying our homemade face moisturizer. To get rid of your skin’s oily effect you can add the grape seed oil to the natural face moisturizer.

The dry skin

These types of skin should be treated with more care. Purpose of applying the face moisturizer is adding and keeping the moisture with our skin. If you have a dry skin then you should add rose hip oil or olive oil with our natural moisturizer for face.

How to apply?

You can apply the moisturizer just after your shower or face wash. It will assist you in sealing the moisture. Apply the moisturizer and massage it on your face in the upward circular motion.

Find Out What does Toner Do?

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:37 am

When you look at hundreds and thousands of more newfangled skin care products placed in front of you at the market you may get confuse in deciding which you need and which you don’t. In the world of beauty one important thing that you shouldn’t skip over is toner. Talking about the toner, there are many in number you can find it many variety of flavors and forms. Since it provides numerous skin care benefits toner is a must have beauty product, especially if your skin type is oily one. This post will help you to know what is a toner and how can it benefits to you. Also read more about Natural facial cleansers.

what is toner

Tighter Pores

When you use a good toner it helps you in skin tightening and it also assist in closing the pores. When you wash your face with the warm water it actually opens the pores on your face so that it can cleanse your skin. Regular usage of toner closes any larger pores and soon you can realize the diminished pores on your face than ever.
Smaller pores on your face provide your skin a healthy youthful look. But when it grows as visible pores rather it worsens the situation. Here is where the toner comes into play. When you use the toner you may feel a little igniting effect reason is toner inflames the skin slightly to bring an appearance of the smaller looking pores. But the diminishing of the visible pores is temporary.

Toner gives you a Deep Cleansing

Toner helps you to wash away the soap residue, surface skin cells, no removed makeup, oil and dirt from your skin. Toner contains the ingredient like benzoyl peroxide or witch hazel, salicylic acid and alcohol. Almost all of these toner ingredients play a role in drying up the excess oil from your skin. This activity is almost beneficial for those who are suffering with the oily skin.

PH Balancer

Do you know your toner helps in balancing your skin PH level? You are making your skin’s ph level to go unbalanced when you use some non suggestible acne medications. If you want to bring back your ph level as a balanced one start using the toner on your skin. Even the toner which comes along with the acne medications like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide will help you in balancing your skin ph levels.if any one can ask you what is toner? You can say them as a ph balancer right?

Toner Controls Oil

Due to the oil controlling properties of the toner it removes the oil from your skin. So obviously if you have a dry skin it is good to stay away from the toner.  Those with the oily skin can enjoy the perks of toner without any restriction. If you have an oily skin then you should wash off your face with the toner at every night so that it removes the oil stored on your face throughout the day.

Additional Benefits

I bet you after reading these benefits you will no further search on what does toner do? So ready? Now i tell you the benefits of toner in a detailed way.

Apart from deep cleansing, oil control, closing pores and tightening the skin toner provides so many other benefits like

  • Increases the blood circulation
  • Diminishes the fine lines appearance
  • Act as an anti aging agent
  • Refreshes the tired complexion
  • Improves the skin tone
  • Speed up and boosts the cellular turn over
  • Dead cell removal
  • Toxins elimination

Sine you know what does toner do here after you won’t find any struggle in choosing the right toner to your skin.  Extent you research and get clear with what is toner. Remember when you managed to remove all the impurities from your face, can anyone can resist themselves from adoring your beauty? Feel and look beautiful , stay confident.

Weird homemade facial cleanser that suits all skin types

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:34 am

Who would prefer this way? Staining your face with an oil to cleanse it? Sounds crazy? Trust me it works. Let me tell you the benefits. No more pimples, pimple prone skin is a dream of all right? You don’t need to roam with the red pimples & black heads on your face any further. If you want to go all the 24 / 7 with the clean appealing face you have to try it out. Some of my friends and myself gave a real good month to test this natural face cleanser. It works really. You may have crop of blackheads which refuses to away from you no matter what you have tried. Our homemade facial cleanser will help you to throw away those horrible black heads. You may have tried so many natural facial cleansers but is completely weird one.

homemade facial cleanser

Here is the list what you will need to prepare our natural face cleanser

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 empty jar
  • Castor Oil
  • Lavender oil (optional) few drops just for scent

So let’s start with our homemade facial cleanser preparation

If your skin is normal then it is enough to have a 50-50 mix

  • For oily skin 70% of extra virgin oil and 30% castor oil provide a good blend
  • For dry skin 90% of extra Virgin oil & 10% of castor oil will do
  • For combination skin or normal skin 50 % of Extra Virgin Olive Oil & 50% of castor oil will make a perfect blend.

Once your mixture is ready just take 4 tbsp of mixture and store it in any shampoo jar. It will last for the whole month? Asking how? By using this oil you are going to wash your face that’s all that too at nights only with the small quantity. So this is how 4 tbsp of mixture will last for the whole month. Okay let me tell you how to wash your face now with our home made natural face cleanser.

How to wash your face using the homemade facial cleanser

  • Just pour the oil in your palm of hand leave few drops until it forms a little pool with the size of quarter.
  • Gently rub your both hands together that will warm up our facial cleanser oil.
  • You need to massage your face with the oil. Do it for one min. forgot to mention. If you have any makeup on your face you don’t need to remove that. Just apply the oil your face will dissolve it completely. You will feel like it is the best make up remover ever.
  • Get any warm cloth and wet it with the hot water, you can ring it out on your face, leave the cloth on your face about 30 seconds.
  • You can now wipe off our oil cleanser from your face using the cloth.
  • Watch out how amazingly your skin looks now.

Continuous usage of these natural facial cleansers like ours will remove the black heads from your skin and will provide an astonishing look. Even I can’t believe the working of natural oil face cleanser but trust me, give a try. Definitely you will recommend it to your friends and won’t forget to vote thank for this amazing homemade facial cleanser.

How to make homemade face masks

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 10:31 am

How to make homemade face masks

Preparation of homemade facial mask is very simple and can be prepared with the cheap yet powerful ingredients. You can make your own facial mask as a nutritious and delicious one. As I said it delicious and you will find really hard to resist yourself from licking the recipes. When you prepare a facial mask always do keep in mind these are foods you are preparing to your skin.

How to make homemade face masks

Here I have compiled top 4 beauty tips to assist your homemade facial mask preparation. It will suit to all skin types (sensitive skin, oily skin, dry skin and combination skin).


Okay here we are going to find out How to make homemade face masks in your own. Shall we go?

Exact procedure to apply the face mask

  • Before applying the facial mask your skin needs cleansing.  You can use normal rose water or plain water for your facial cleansing.
  • Apply your homemade facial mask (you are going prepare in few seconds)
  • Leave on your face; let it be there for up to 10 min.
  • Now rinse off your skin with the warm water
  • Rub your skin and make it dry using the cotton.
  • Now apply the moisturizer

Facial made easy right? Now enjoy with your glowing skin.

Make your own face mask for dry skin

You may have heard about Avocados and it wonderful benefits over your skin and hair. Do you know exactly how it helps your skin?  Avocados are rich in vitamin E, omega-9 and 6, chlorophyll and fatty acids. These medicinal properties assures your skin tissue and skin re growth. These Avocados are absorbed very easily by any type of skin especially the dry skin. This property makes it as an ideal option for the dry skin.


Method: Squeeze the ripe avocado. Now just take one teaspoon of honey, mix the ingredients well and apply on your face. Your dry skin facial mask is ready.

Make your own face mask for Combination Skin

Bananas have the highly-moisturizing agents that can provide any sensitive skin the look and feel of super-soft, flexible and pliable. Since bananas are non-oily these are really good for the combination skin types too.

Peaches have ability to remove the excess unwanted sebum from your skin. Without the need for striping the skin it can leave the follicles ease.

Honey is a very good ingredient for the skin which is prone to break outs, honey reduces the severity of redness from the pimples and it dries them up.

Almond is one other ingredient that can perform the magic on your skin. It removes the dead cells effectively and leaves your skin polished. Just 2 table spoon of almond paste can make it happen.

Method: Mash up 2 bananas, take 2 stoned & peeled peaches, 2 table spoon of honey , table spoon of almond paste mix them well and blend once again. Now add small quantity of rolled porridge oats and bind the mixture altogether. Your combination facial mask is ready to use now.

Make your own face mask for Oily Skin

Do you feel your skin is a kind of spot-prone? Don’t worry. Plum &yoghurt mask can help you to get a healthy glowing skin.  Plum is rich in Vitamin A & vitamins C, both of these vitamins are well known antioxidants. What it benefits to your skin is “it controls the radical activity as a result it strengthens the elasticity of your skin & improves the appearance. Vitamin A and C are widely used in all oil control & anti-acne skin care products.

When it comes for yoghurt it act as one of the best skin hydrator which is packed with the lactic acid. It cast off the dead skin and gives a boost to the cellular turnover.

Method: Poach 4 ultra fresh plums, mix it well & let it top get cool. Take 2 table spoons of yoghurt blend & Mash-up with the poached plum. Add 2 tbsp of sweet almond oil (it has the medicinal property which prevents the bacteria that spreads the acne on your skin), add the cornflower in enough quantity to thicken & bind the prepared mixture. Now apply on the face and let it dry. I forgot to tell a thing. It is bit messy. So keep it in mind.

Face Mask for Sensitive Skin

Making the home made facial mask to the sensitive skin can be done easily. Ingredients you need are just butter, oatmeal and yoghurt.

Method: take one tbsp of butter, small quantity of rolled porridge oats and plain yoghurt. Mix it well until the recipe gets smooth. Now apply the paste on your face for 10 min and rinse off.

Hope you have all find out an answer for how to make homemade face masks, move no further try it and share the post with your friends.

What are the natural facial masks for women?

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:31 am

It is extremely essential to hydrate your skin with the help of natural facial masks. A best facial mask will help in rejuvenating your skin. Treating your skin at spas can literally be very expensive and this is better to opt for natural face mask. It is 100% natural and has a guaranteed effect. They are cheaper and can be prepared from the things lying around your home. They are instant and completely fresh. You need to treat your skin properly so that it can be healthy all the time. There might be many products in the market but there may be harsh chemicals present in it which can damage your skin to an immense extent. Even if you are going with the products, you need to look at the ingredients present in it. The ingredients have to be completely natural. A natural and homemade best facial mask makes you look younger and gives an immense glow. It will be really pampering if you use natural face mask on your skin. The natural facial masks have to be prepared based on the skin type you have. There is separate natural face mask for every skin type.

natural facial masks

Oily skin: People of this skin type are prone to acne and pimples and thus it requires a very careful and special treatment. There are natural face masks which can be prepared in home instantly. It helps in removing all the excess oil and tightens the pores. For oily skin, one can make face packs with the help of natural stuffs like: Milk of magnesia, sliced cucumber, sliced carrots and beaten egg-whites. You can use anyone of these ingredients and leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes. You need to then rinse it off properly with cool water. This will give you a refreshing look and makes you feel light and glowing. You can even go to a health food store and get some quantity of brewer’s yeast and mix it with plain yogurt. Apply this pack on your face and concentrate more on the oily areas. Keep it for 15 minutes to 20 minutes and rinse it with lukewarm water. It will help in skin tightening and removes all the dirt from the pores.

Dry skin: There are many facial masks which can help you get rid from dryness. Natural homemade facial masks can help you get rid of dryness. There are some natural moisturizes which can revitalize and rejuvenate the skin. You can use egg yolk (raw), coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil and mashed avocado for making face packs. It can be directly applied on your skin either combined or individually. You can spread the mask on your face and leave it for about 15 minutes to 20 minutes and allow it to dry. You can then rinse it with cool water. You can mix 1 beaten egg-yolk with 1 tablespoon containing yogurt, 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon almond oil. If you have fine lines and wrinkles, then you can mash a banana and apply the smooth fruit paste on your skin. Let your skin absorb the nutrients. Let it dry for about 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water. Your skin will look fresh and moisturized.

Normal skin: Honey is one of the best ingredients that suits all type of skin and can be used in almost all the face pack as it as lot of properties to make your skin look fresh. You need to first wash your face with warm water and pat dry. Apply honey on your face and leave it for about 30 minutes. Rinse it with lukewarm water. It will make your skin look fresh and young.


Face care for men

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:29 am

It is not only women who are cautious about the way they look. Today even men are more concerned about their personality and looking better. This is the reason why beauty companies have been launching wide range of mens face care products. It is said that skin has a direct impact on what you are doing internally. There are many mens face care products in the market today but you will have to choose the right men face care product so that it can help your face glow. You will have to look at all the ingredients present in it. Avoid taking a product just because it is branded. It must contain majority of natural ingredients and very minute chemicals.

Face care for men

face care for men

  • Make a proper and regular habit of cleaning your face. There are few products which you will have to use it at regular intervals on various parts of your face in order to have a healthy skin. Men face care is really incomplete without the use of good quality moisturizers, eye cream and facial cleanser. The facial cleansers will help you in removing the excess oil, dirt and sweat from the pores. A good moisturizer will help you in keeping the skin moist and [prevents excess dryness. A high quality eye cream prevents wrinkles and dark circles.
  • Make a routine of using a lifting serum, wrinkle corrector and exfoliator. An exfoliator will help in removing all the dead skin layers and makes your face completely bright. A lifting serum will help your skin firm-up and a wrinkle collector helps in removing all the wrinkles.
  • Once in a week try doing something good for your skin. Use a good hydrating mask for tightening your skin. There are many natural products in the market today which are designed in specific for men.
  • If you feel some kind of small bumps on your head, then use microdermabrasion cream at least once in a month. Make it a habit of using this cream every month. It will help your skin look smooth and fresh.
  • Know what kind of skin you have got. Check if it’s dry or acne-prone or normal or oily. Based on your skin, get the face care products. Never compromise with the product quality. Go for a good quality face product with natural ingredients. You need to select a cleanser based on the type of skin you have got. A cleanser that is very good will help you in removing all the excess oil from the skin as well as will clean all the pores.
  • Get a good toner. A toner will help in restoring the skin’s pH balance that is generally increased bi shaving as well as cleansing.
  • Take a moisturizer that suits your skin requirements. If you have an oily skin, then using a moisturizer will make it oily even more. There are many types of moisturizer in the market today which will help your skin moist and supple. A moisturizer is extremely essential because it will help you in hydrating your skin and avoids wrinkles, dryness and fine lines.
  • You need to pick a treatment that will help you in making your skin feel better and healthy. Picking the right face pack is really essential. There are many products in the market today which will help in removing acne, pimples and dirt as well.
  • Shaving is really important and thus you need to search for shaving products which suits your skin. There is lots of shaving cream in the market which comes with the skin type you have got. It helps in enhancing the skin, moisturize as well as avoid breakouts.

There are many mens face care products in the market today but you will have to choose the right men face care product so that it can help your face glow.

Natural hair straightening treatments

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:25 am

There are many hair straightening treatments involved with lot of chemicals which can give you instant result but remember that there is nothing better than a natural hair smoothing treatment. There are many homemade natural hair straightening treatments which can be followed easily. They are 100% natural, fresh and effective. Straight hairs will make you look elegant and pretty but unfortunately not everyone are born with straight hairs. You can follow natural hair smoothing treatment at your home itself. The following are some of the hair straightening treatments:

  • You need to wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo. You need to rinse off your hair thoroughly with the water. Make sure that there is no shampoo left in your head.
  • Coconut milk is extremely beneficial and thus soaking your hair in fresh coconut milk for about 10 minutes can help you get rid of dryness and makes it straight.

Natural hair straightening remedies without use of Ironer and chemicals

Choose a good quality straightening shampoo as well as a conditioner. Choose a particular product that will smooth as well as moisturize your hair properly. You need to buy a product that will suit your hair requirements. Only if you select a good product, it will help your hair from getting curled when it dries. There are many high quality salon products with different prices. If you are looking for the one that is affordable, then try the Sunsilk straighten up shampoo as well as conditioner. It will help your hair completely conditioned. Make sure that you are not applying a conditioner on your scalp. Just apply little on your hair and especially at the ends.

After washing your hair, use a clean towel to dry your hair. Use the towel gently on your hair just to dry the excess moisture. Don’t rub the towel harshly on your hair as it can damage your hair to the extreme. It can easily break and causes tangles.

Once it is dried, the next step begins with styling. Before using a dryer, you will have to use certain good quality styling products. You can use the Sunsilk Straighten-up 24/7 crème as this is affordable and also shows good results. You need to avoid using too much of hair products on the roots as it can be easily damaged and makes your greasy. If you are using the styling products, then make sure you apply on the ends.

After you finish with the styling, you can then move on to brushing. You need to use a soft bristle brush that doesn’t damage your hair. You need to brush your hair very gently. If you do it with harsh and hurry, then it will break. You can even try doing straightening with the help of a hair brush. You can use a double-paddle brush which will help you in pulling your hair straight.

Finish the styling by using few drops of anti frizz serum which is silicone based. Use a light hair spray so that your hair will shine and also looks glossy. The hair sprays that are humidity resistant will be the ideal option for keeping your hair straight and shiny. It will help you to prevent curls and tangles. You can even try the new Tresemme Tres which is affordable and has good benefits for your hair.

Before selecting a product, you need to see its quality and the ingredients used in it. Only if they are worthy enough for your hair, you will have to use it or else try something good. There are many online websites which can help you in this.


Deep hair conditioning treatments

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:24 am

Maintaining your hair is really important but there are some people who take their hairs for granted. You will have to deeply condition your hair so that they look pretty and silky. Today almost all the people have immense exposure to sunlight, pollution and many more. Hairs begin to dry out soon and will lose out all its moisture. With hectic schedules and fast moving things, one might not find any time to care for their properly. You can go to spas for treatments but they might be very expensive but you can think about natural homemade deep conditioning treatments. You can do this when you are free. They are completely easy to make and acts as a natural conditioner for your hair. For hair conditioning treatments, you can just pick up few things from your home and prepare it within couple of minutes and apply for a while. It wouldn’t take much time of yours and will give you 100% natural guaranteed results.

Natural conditioner for hair

hair conditioning treatments

Take a scoop of mayonnaise and put it in a clean bowl. Now mash few pieces of avocados and mix it with mayonnaise. Blend them together until there is appearance of green color. Apply this mixture on your hair from root tips to the ends. Then wear a plastic cap over the head so that absorption is better. Leave this mixture on your head for about 20 minutes or 30 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water. Practicing this once in a week can make your hair look silky and shiny. This is one of the best deep conditioning treatments.

  • Take 1 avocado, 3 tablespoons olive oil and whip 1 egg yolk with these ingredients in a clean bowl. Apply this mixture on your hair for about 15 minutes and leave it until it gets completely absorbed. This will condition your hair from the roots to the ends. This is extremely beneficial and one of the best hair conditioning treatments. You can even add fragrance oils to the mixture so that it can have a nice smell.
  • Coconut oils are extremely and immensely helpful in treating dry hair as well as dry scalp. Make sure that you get a good quality natural coconut oil. Apply this coconut oil on your hair gently with your fingers. Nourish your scalp, roots as well as hair. Concentrate more on the hair ends where there is excess dryness. Now wash your hands properly with a liquid soap and take a blow dryer. Put the dryer in low heat mode and dry your hair. This will help the oil in penetrating and when your hair is warm and nice, put a neat tight bun. You can even sleep with oil in your hair but place a towel on the pillows so that pillow covers doesn’t get spoiled. Then wash your hair either next day morning or after few hours. Practicing this few times in a week can make your hair silky and smooth.
  • Cocoa butter helps in conditioning your hair deeply. Take ½ cup melted cocoa butter and apply it on one hair from roots to tips. Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then rinse it with a mild shampoo. This will condition your hair from roots to tips and prevents dryness.
  • Natural oils can be extremely beneficial. Take 2 tablespoons avocado oil, sunflower oil, olive oil and heat them. Apply them on your hair and leave it for 15 minutes to 20 minutes until your hair absorbs it. Wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.