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All about hair transplantation cost

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:22 am

Hair is something which makes a person look beautiful. It can be a man or a woman but hairs play a very vital role in their life. There are few people who suffer from baldness and less hair, at such times hair transplantation can really be helpful. People get perplexed and ask “do hair transplants work?” The answer to the question “do hair transplants work?” is absolutely yes! The hair transplant process helps an individual in making the hair appearance more. It is done by increasing the quantity of hair present on your head. Before you meet the expert or a clinic, it is better to look at their hair transplant reviews. The hair transplant reviews will help you to know if it is really worth doing the surgery in that specific clinic.

Cost of hair transplant

The cost of hair transplantation varies little from one place to the other but overall it is the same. Before deciding to do hair transplantation, you will have to do a complete research on it. You need to search for a skilled and experienced physician. Before deciding, you need to talk to various doctors. Get to know about the various clinics who are involved in doing this hair transplantation. Investigate about all the medical sectors and get the details of their price list for this surgery. Now make a comparison in order to know which is the best and offering the lowest most cost. But make sure that the clinic is trustworthy and reputed.

Not only the cost differs from one clinic to the other but also it depends entirely on the area of scalp which has to be covered. You need to know what sort of hair loss you’re experiencing. Certain clinics will charge you based on the grafts and some might charge you depending on the entire process which is carried about them. You need to know about all these things well in advance by investigating properly about a clinic. On an average, the cost of 1 hair-graft is either 4 or 5 dollars but there are certain clinics which will charge you about $10 and hence it completely depends. But it is not necessary that a clinic that charges high will do better. No! It depends on the quality as well the methods carried out and not the price. If a person literally has a small scalp to be covered, then it requires 1000 – 2000 grafts which might cost around $3000 to $10000. If the area to be covered is more, for example say 2000 – 3000 grafts then it might cost you around $5000 to $15000. When it comes to bald people, they require about 3000 – 4000 grafts which costs about $9000 to $20000.

Even though the hair transplant sounds really expensive, they actually aren’t. When you compare with the expenses of your shampoos, pills and conditioners spent for the entire life, the surgery is much cheaper. For example, there is a pill called “finasteride” which helps in blocking the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). The DHT is basically a hormone which causes hair loss in humans. This pill blocks this hormone formation. If you are taking it, then it might cost you around $25 – $50 in a month. Talking about a year, it will cost around $300 – $600. By the time it reaches 15 years, it will cost $9000 which is almost equal to the cost operated on this specific surgery. Thus these are the things which you will have to know about the hair transplantation cost. Never decide on this out of haste. Analyze everything properly so that you can come across plenty of things.


Hair transplant for women

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:20 am

Hairs are something that makes women beautiful but there are few women who take them for granted. Unfortunately not all the women can maintain their hair properly. There are certain scenarios where a woman will not be able to have adequate hair and this is where the hair replacement systems are used. You can get the best replacement systems at an affordable cost. There are many online websites through which you can search about it.

Hair transplant for women

hair transplant for women

The hair transplant for women is designed in order to increase the quantity or appearance of hair which is present already in women’s head. These are generally carried out with a surgical process that is familiarly termed as “grafting”. Even though the procedure of hair transplantation is similar for both men and women, transplants for women are entirely new than that of women. The common hair transplantation in women is none other than FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). The hairs are transplanted in random pattern so that it completely looks natural. Doing hair transplants has a lot of benefits. They will improve a woman’s appearance. A woman will feel confident in actively participating in fashion shows if they wish to. It helps in building self-esteem as it eliminates negative factors. It also helps in improving the personality of a woman.

When compared to men, the transplantation procedure for women is completely cheaper because a woman will not require many grafts like men. However, they can still be little expensive. Generally they cost between $4000 and $7000. There are certain doctors who will charge based on each graft whereas others might charge depending upon the complete procedure.

Hair transplant side effects

Though the hair transplant side effects are rare but in some scenarios there might be side effects as well. You can experience swellings on head, forehead and certain parts of scalp after the surgery. Do not get worried if your skin on the head feels painful or tender to touch during the 1st week because it is completely natural to occur after a hair transplantation surgery. You need to take a periodic check-up by your doctor so that he or she can monitor the progress and check if the scalp is healing properly or not. If you feel any kind of itchiness or excess bleeding or wounds getting worse, then better get it checked immediately from your doctor. There are people who might suffer from infections as well but such cases are generally low. Even though the side effects of a hair transplant surgery are low but severe injuries can even lead to death. You need to be aware of the local or general anesthesia given to you by your doctor. It is completely risky and hence you will have to see a well experienced dermatologist for the surgery.

Though these side effects are rare, even it if occurs, it can be cured over time. The patient can also feel sore and numb for 2 to 3 days but after a week, there wouldn’t be any swelling. The doctor might remove the 1st group of sutures or staples. Either the doctor will remove the staples or it might get dissolved within few days. The grafts will be completely situated and the patient will not experience any numbness at this specific stage. In the 1st or 2nd week, the patient will begin to note the appearance of hair and within the 1st month end, the transplant vanishes and finally at 5th month new hairs begin to appear. Within a year, you can see the results but a doctor can tell you if it is really necessary to go for the 2nd treatment.

What are the best hair growth products for women

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:17 am

There are many best hair thickening products competing each other. You will have to take the product that suits your requirements. You need to first determine what sort of problem you have. Based on the issue you have got, you will have to begin searching for some high quality products. Knowing about the best shampoo for hair growth can be little tricky. best shampoo for hair growth To know better about the natural hair growth products that suit your needs, you will have to research a lot of things so that you can be sure that you are picking the right thing. Never do the mistake of compromising with the quality of a product. To know about the best hair growth products for women, consider the following tips:

  • Look for a shampoo that is mild and herbal.
  • It must contain lot of natural ingredients and less chemicals.
  • Make sure that the shampoo is very gentle so that you can use it frequently.
  • If there are harsh chemicals present in it, then you will have to drop taking the product.
  • The natural hair growth products should be able to cleanse your hair properly and make it enliven.
  • Purchase a shampoo that has rich proteins and nutrients so that they can help you in keeping your hair healthy and strong.
  • Get a shampoo which has panthenol in it because experts say that this nutrient helps in penetrating the hair follicles and thickening of hair.
  • If you are someone whose hair is oily always or applies oil often, then there are great possibilities of excess hair fall. At such times, you need to choose the best shampoo for hair growth which can help in preventing hair fall as well as removing the excess oil from your scalp.

Once you wash your hair, you will have to deeply condition it in order to avoid tangles. There are many natural conditioners in the market today which can help your hair look silky and shiny. While choosing conditioners, you will have to look for ingredients. Avoid taking the ones that has alcohol in it. Think about taking spray conditioners because they are completely light to use.

While choosing the natural growth products for women, you will have to see the products that will meet your hair conditions. Look for minerals and vitamins that can sustain a healthy hair. your hair growth entirely depends on these things which are:

  • Iron
  • zinc
  • Biotin
  • Niacin
  • Choline
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B12
  • Beta-carotene
  • Panthothenic acid

Therefore look for products that have all these ingredients so that your hair growth is faster. Yet another essential ingredient is none than MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), which is organic sulfur found in all natural foods. They help in increasing the hair growth to a great extent. Though there are many products which claim that they are natural and will enhance the growth but in real they don’t. It is better to check with everything before you use. You need to get the conditioners and shampoos which have low pH and acidity. The following are the 2 best products in the market that has low acidity and pH:

Going organic and herbal is the best way to maintain your hair properly as there wouldn’t be any sort of side effects as well as after effects. Herbal products will not only enhance hair growth but also thickens it, retains the color and maintains the texture properly. Apart from all these you need have to healthy food items every day in your life so that you can get the essential hair vitamins from them.

Best hair regrowth products

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:14 am

Natural hair thickeners will help you to make your hair lustrous as well as thick. Hair thickening products out there in the market are just in abundance. If you are someone who is facing excess hair loss and thinning, then you need to get natural and best hair thickening products. You will have to be smart in choosing the best hair regrowth products and best hair thickening products as there are many companies selling their products out there.

Things you should know

  • Function: A best hair regrowth product is designed in such a way so as to grow the hairs back again. The product will simulate the hair follicles and helps in making the hair thick. It helps in promoting new hair growth. There are certain companies who claim that their products help in instant regrowth but actually they don’t. Hence you will have to be careful in using a product so that it doesn’t damages your hair further.
  • Type: There are several products that help your hair in regrowth. There are few products which will help in stimulating while some may help in preventing hair loss and some may help in curing baldness. You need to first determine what kind of problem you have. Then look for products based on the issue you have got. For instance, Minoxidil is a type of tropical cream which helps to cure baldness in humans.
  • Factors: When you are thinking about buying a hair regrowth product, you will have to investigate on it properly. The first factor to look in a regrowth product is none other than the ingredients used. If the ingredients are natural and healthy for your hair, then it literally means that the product is good. Make sure that it is meeting all the requirements. In case if you are losing your hair due to the hormone DHT, then it is better to go for products that help in blocking DHT. The DHT blocker helps in preventing the hormone from getting attached to hair follicles. But even a DHT blocker can be of 2 types: chemical and natural. Take the ones that are natural so that there are no side effects.
  • Misconception: There are many misconceptions that regrowth products will reveal you its truth by the testimonials it has but the true fact is that, if a product worked for one person, it doesn’t mean that it will work for you as well. When it comes to beauty products, testimonials work little. It is always better to consult your doctor in the first place so that you can know what is good for you and what is not.
  • Side-effects: There are certain products which has lot of side as well as after effects when you begin to use them. Hence it is better to opt for a natural product rather than chemical ones so that you won’t face any kind of effects. Chemical products can cause certain malfunctions and can damage the roots to a great extent.

Before deciding to use a particular product on your hair, it is better to consult the specialist first so that he or she can help you in taking the right kind of product that will suit your hair texture. Apart from hair products, you will have to concentrate about the food you eat. It has to be completely healthy and natural. You must never eat foods that are junk and oily. Instead go for natural grubs like fresh fruits and vegetables. Never go for the pre-packaged foods as they are unhealthy. Cook your food instantly and eat hot. There is nothing more healthy food when you eat it fresh.



Natural hair thickening remedies

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:12 am

The natural hair care products help in sustaining a healthy and silky hair. Thick hairs are something which everyone wants to have. Hair thickeners will help you in making your hair thick and strong. There are many hair thickeners in the market today that you will be confound in picking the one which is the best. There are many people who own thin hair and the reason behind is lack of proper care. Treating your thin hair might cost you lot but luckily there are natural hair thickening shampoo and hair thickening sprays in the market that can help you. hair thickening shampooEven if you buy some hair thickening sprays and hair thickening shampoos, you will have to read the ingredients present in it. Make sure that there is no alcohol used in it and the majority of the ingredients used must be natural. There are many home remedies used for thickening your hair naturally. It can be made from the things lying around your home and it can literally help you in making your hair lustrous. It is easy to make and inexpensive too. There are 100% natural and effective. Following are some tips for it:

  • Gelatin: Adding gelatin to your shampoo has lot of benefits. You need to shake properly until it is dissolved properly. Shampoo it and then rinse it off until it gets thicker. Applying gelatin on your hair adds texture. For a strong treatment, you need to dissolve it in warm water. You need to soak it until it becomes light gel. Apply it on your hair as well as scalp and let it dry for some time. Finally, shampoo your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.
  • Eggs: These are extremely beneficial and easy to make. All you have to do is to beat a raw egg and then massage your scalp with it. Now with the help of wide-tooth comb, you will have to run through your hair till the end to ensure that it gets applied every strand of hair. There are essential nutrients present in the egg which can help your hair in making lustrous. It increases the sebum production. The main reason for thinning for hair is due to lack of vitamin D and vitamin E.
  • Avocados and Banana: They together can make the best hair pack for thickening. These 2 fruits have got intense nutrients to lock moisture as well as make it lustrous. Another major cause for hair thinning can be due to unhealthy scalp. Avocados are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B and vitamin E. You need to mash ¼ bananas with ¼ avocados properly until it becomes a smooth creamy paste. Apply this mixture on your hair and cover it with a plastic cap. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with cool water. Practicing this regularly twice or thrice in a week can make your hair stronger as well as healthier. Your scalp wouldn’t be stinking anymore. It will be clean and hygienic.
  • Beer: It gives instant lift to your hair as it contains sugar and protein. Even it it’s stale, you can pour it on your hair and shampoo it properly. If you really want to thicken your hair, then never bother about the beer’s smell. The smell will get evaporated soon.
  • Oat Flour: This will thicken your hair when added with a conditioner. Add 2 tablespoons oat flour in your conditioner. You can even add water to the oat flour so that it can be easily mixed to your conditioner. Apply it on your hair and wash it off after sometime. This is will help in hair thickening.

Natural hair care products

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:10 am

There is plethora of hair products for women in the market today that confusions are obvious to occur while selecting. While choosing one, you will have to go for natural hair care products instead of the ones that have most chemicals in it. Chemicals have a massive impact on your hair growth. With excess use of chemical hair products for natural hair, damages are guaranteed because chemicals will begin to sediment on the roots and scalp which in turn blocks the hair from growing further. Instead of going to the shops and buying a hair product, you can make a hair product with the things lying around your home. They are completely natural and don’t have any side effect.

Tips on hair products for natural hair

hair products for natural hair

The homemade natural hair care products are 100% effective and saves you lot of dollars.

  • Take a clean bowl and stir the sage, lavender, nettles and rosemary. Now boil 2 cups of water with the help of a pot and then add those herbs in it. Once it boils, take out the pot from stove and now add 3 tablespoons of MSM (Methylsulphonylmethane), which is popularly known as organic sulphur. It helps in strengthening the hair by getting the essential nutrients of herbs sediment on the follicles. This MSM is available at every organic or health store. Let this MSM melt with the herbs for about 30 minutes. Strain this liquid and store it in a clean plastic bottle. Finally add castile soap so that you can use it like a natural shampoo.
  • Take a clean bowl and stir buttermilk, honey and olive oil. Heat this mixture in a microwave for about 30 seconds. Take out the bowl from the microwave and then ass some natural flour. Mix the flour with the other ingredients properly until it becomes a smooth paste. Now you can add few drops of fragrance oils. You can either use rose oil or lavender oil or grapefruit oil for a good fragrance. This acts as a natural deep conditioner to your hair. You need to add this paste on your damp hair and leave it for about 20 minutes. Let the paste get completely absorbed by your hair and then wash it off. For intense conditioning, you will have to wrap a plastic cap over your head.

Black natural hair products

You can make your own black natural hair products with the things lying around in your home. It helps in moisturizing and making your hair thickened as well as dark.

  • Hot oils can help in making your hair dark and silky. You can stir coconut oil, castor oil, olive oil and heat them together. Applying these natural oils on your hair can act as an instant moisturizer. It prevents from hair loss, stimulates hair growth and makes the hair silky.
  • For deep conditioning of black hair, use foods like: bananas, mayonnaise, eggs, avocados, yogurt and limes. It helps in moisturizing and retaining the color back.
  • Boil 2 cups of water and add 6 chamomile tea-bags (organic) to it. Let them boil properly for 20 minutes. Now take out the tea bags and add 4 tablespoon soap flakes in the tea. Then add one and a half vegetable glycerin in the tea. Blend all these ingredients properly and let it cool. Use it as a shampoo for washing your hair.


  • Take ¼ cup warm water and add ¼ cup containing liquid castile-soap, ½ teaspoon either olive oil or sunflower oil and shake this mixture till the ingredients are completely blended. You can now use this mixture on your hair.

Hair products for curly hair in women

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:08 am

There are separate mens hair products and women hair products in the market. Each of them differs in their ingredients. This article concentrates mainly on hair products for curly hair so that it becomes easy to maintain. There are many hair products for women in the market and thus you will have to choose wisely. You will have to read through all the ingredients present in the hair products for women. Make sure that there are no harsh chemicals contained. Even if it’s there, it should be very minute but majority must be the natural ingredients. Chemicals get sediment on the scalp and thus damaging the roots which in turn leads to excess hair fall.

Hair products for curly hair

hair products for women

Curly hairs are really very hard to maintain and manage. With curly hairs one might face, tangles, dryness and lots more. Choosing the perfect curly hair product out of many is really challenging. With the help of best curly hair products, one can style as well as manage the curly hair with ease. You need to follow certain things for it:

  • The initial step is to find out the main problems or issues associated with the curly hair you have got. You need to determine if it is dry or damaged or less thickened and so on. Only if you know what the exact problem is, you can hunt for that particular product alone.
  • Once you determine what sort of problem you have with the curly hairs, you can move on for searching good quality hair products. The products for curly hair are not limited to conditioners and shampoos alone. There are gels, mousse and other styling products as well. There are companies who are building hair products with natural ingredients for curly hair. In most cases, dryness is most seen in curly hairs and to fix this problem, you will have to go for high quality moisturizing products. You can know about them with the help of reputed online websites. They are built in a way to moisturize your hair.
  • The third step is to know about the ingredients used in a product. It has to be completely natural with less use of chemicals in it. You need to look for products which has silicones so that it can help the hair follicles in locking the moisture. Use of alcohol can cause extreme damage to your hair. They can be widely seen in styling products and conditioners. You need to avoid using such products.
  • You will have to then consult with your stylist whenever you have a doubt. Get it cleared so that it can help you in choosing the right product. A stylist can help you in choosing the right product that suits your hair type.
  • You will have to look what you eat. If you are the one who hogs a lot of oily stuffs, then it is better to stop it now as it has a massive impact on damaging your hair. With unhealthy food, you may not get the right vitamins required for your hair growth which in turn leads to excess hair loss, dryness  etc. hence you will have to concentrate on eating healthy food stuffs so that you can maintain a healthy hair.

Apart from all this, you will have to buy the products which are of high quality. You must never compromise with the quality of a hair product. There are people who go for products that are less in cost and never bother about the harsh chemicals used in it. They get it just because it is cheap. Never do a mistake of getting the product which is not of good quality.

Natural hair products for men

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:06 am

Market out there for mens hair products is just growing up drastically. Thus picking up the best mens hair products has to be very wise. It is not that only women suffer from hair fall. Even men do suffer from hair loss and the reasons can be many. Instead of chemical products, make use of natural products because they do not have any side effects. The hair growth products for men in the market are many but before choosing one, you will have to read through all the ingredients present in it.

hair growth products for men

Genetics play very vital role in hair development. Apart from genetics, the other factors which hits your hair growth is none other than the hormones, hair products and food that you eat in your daily life. Hair growth products must contain very minute chemicals and more of natural ingredients. There are certain hair products for men that contain harsh chemicals so you need to avoid taking such products from the shop as it has a huge impact on your hair growth. Let us look about certain factors about hair products for men.

  • Companies: Just because a company advertises its products with a tag “natural”, it doesn’t really mean that it is a natural product. You will have to investigate about the company properly so that you can come to know if it is really using natural ingredients in its product.
  • Homemade products: Well, there are many natural products but nothing like the one which is freshly prepared at home from all sorts of natural ingredients. In fact this is the ideal way to care for your hair. You can adjust the quantities based on what your hair needs. It saves you a lot of money and there is 100% no side effects.
  • Vitamins: The food that you eat has a massive impact on your hair. There are separate vitamins for your hair growth. If you are someone who is hogging in a lot of junk food then stop it right now as it can cause serious hair fall later. To keep your hair healthy and prevent from loss, you will have to eat the right grubs. Consume fresh vegetables, fruits and wholesome grains. Avoid intake of too much of fat foods. Rather than consuming fried and oily stuffs, you will have to eat foods that are steamed, boiled and baked foods. The best vitamins for hair growth are Vitamin E and Vitamin B.
  • Herbal supplements: Herbs have always been practiced since ancient times and are in bang now. People are again moving to organic, natural and herbal products as they are completely beneficial and there are no side-effects as well as after-effects. Consuming certain herbs has impact on the hormones and thus hair growth is guaranteed. There are certain online websites which are associated in selling hair shampoos containing certain herbs. These herbs help the hair in growing both internally as well as externally. One of the most popular products with all herbal ingredients is none other than “Bio Fen”. It helps in blocking the hormone known as DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which is the main cause for hair loss in both men and women.
  • Bristle Brush: The comb you use for brushing your hair literally plays a very vital role in hair growth. You need to use soft brushes so that your hair doesn’t fall much. After bath, you need to use wide-tooth comb instead of narrow ones. You need to comb your hair very gently so that it doesn’t breaks.

Apart from all the above points, you will have to live a happy life and avoid taking too much stress. Stress can be another major reason for hair fall.

Treatments for brittle and dry hair

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:03 am

Lovely hairs are something that everyone wants to own. To maintain your hair properly, you will have to take care properly so that it doesn’t gets damaged. There are many dry hair remedies which you must know about so that you can treat it naturally. Damages can occur mainly due to improper diet, intake of oily grubs, exposure to heating appliances, exposure to sunlight, pollution, dandruff and so on. There are times when dryness goes to the extreme condition and one might definitely be concerned as to how to treat dry hair. Treatment is possible in everything today so when it comes to beauty, there are hair treatments for dry hair as well. You need to be aware of certain things so that you can follow them in your everyday life.

How to treat dry hair?

If you are washing your hair, then you will have to use a light humectants shampoo. These shampoos will help you in locking the moisture and avoids dryness from occurring. It makes your hair silky and smooth.

After washing the hair with a humectants shampoo, you will have to use a good quality conditioner. Applying a conditioner which doesn’t have any harsh chemicals is really necessary. Your conditioners are the main products that give you deep conditioning to the dry hairs. Conditioners are the great source of moistening the hair. It will help in locking the moisture in scalp. After conditioning, you need to wash it with water and make sure that there is no conditioner sticking on your hair.

Do not use hair dryers on your hair as it will damage to a great extent. The hot air can make your hair weak and easily tends to break. Dry your hair with natural air by standing out. As your hair dries, you need to apply generous amount of jojoba oil on your hair. Concentrate more on the dried areas. Jojoba oil will help your hair in getting back the moisture naturally. It will replace all missing sebum in your scalp. This is one of the best hair treatments for dry hair.

hair treatment for dry hair

Other hair treatment for dry hair

Hair treatment for dry hair at right time is very important or the hairs will keep getting damaged and weak. Spa treatment can be very expensive. Moving with home treatments can be very effective. They are 1005 natural as well as inexpensive.

  • Mayonnaise: This ingredient has lot of nutrients to make you get rid from dry hairs. You can take ½ cup mayonnaise and spread it evenly on your hair. Concentrate from roots to ends. It acts as a deep conditioner to your dry hair. Once you apply them, you need to wrap up your hair with a clean towel so that it can absorb properly. Allow it to dry for 15 minutes and shampoo it.
  • Olive Oil: This has a strong effect on dry hair. You can apply olive oil on your hairs and rub more on the ends where dryness is in excess. Leave it for half an hour and wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This will help you in conditioning the hair from roots to tips.
  • Cocoa Butter: Melt half a cup of this with the help of a microwave. Spread the butter evenly on all parts of your hair. Let it get absorbed for 10 minutes and then wash your hair with a mild herbal shampoo.
  • Aloe Vera: This is a boon to humans by Mother Nature. It has all the essential nutrients to help our deep condition. You need to take half a cup of Aloe Vera juice and rinse it after proper shampooing.

All about dry hair remedies

  • Posted on March 30, 2013 at 7:00 am

Dry hair treatment at the right time is very essential or else your hair can damage to an extreme extent. There are times when people get perplexed about how to fix dry hair. Treatments can be very expensive at times and this is the reason why you need to follow certain home remedies for dry hair. Hair has the tendency to lose its moisture and begins to dry with excess usage of rollers, heaters, hair colors and flat ironers. If it becomes really unmanageable, then it’s time to go with intense dry hair remedies. Only when you keep your hairs clean as well as nourished, they will be healthy and wouldn’t fall. It is very important to sustain your hair with good conditioning.

How to fix dry hair?

how to fix dry hair

You will have to choose your hair care products wisely, so that you can avoid excess dryness. Homemade remedies are the best for dry hair as it is entirely effective and conditions the hair. The homemade conditioners have an immense effect leaving your hair silky and strong. Almost all the homemade hair treatments will be made out from natural oils and creams. This is the reason why it heals your excess dry and brittle hair instantly.

Take ½ cup containing honey but always remember honey lightens your hair color. If you have golden hairs, use honey and if they dark colored, then use ½ cup containing molasses. Then massage your hair with either molasses or honey depending on the hair color you have got. Then leave it for about 25 to 30 minutes.

Separate the egg yolk from white and put the yolk in a clean bowl. Add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon almond oil, 1 teaspoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon avocado oil and 1 tablespoon honey into it. Mix these ingredients properly and massage your hair as well as scalp with it. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave it for about 30 minutes until it gets absorbed. Wash your hair with a good quality shampoo. This will deeply condition the hair and prevents dryness. This indeed is one of the best remedies for dry hair.

Yet another ideal dry hair remedies is none other than olive oil. It has lot of essential natural nutrients which helps in many things. It is not only good for hair but also good for skin and reducing cholesterol levels. Normal cooking oil has lot of bad cholesterol and fat in it but olive oil is completely free from cholesterol and fat. Thus cooking with olive oil is extremely beneficial for your internal as well as external system. Talking about hair, olive oil helps in moisturizing the hair completely from root to tip. You need to apply olive oil to your scalp as well as hair in order to silken it. After applying olive oil, you will have to wrap the hair with a moist towel so that moisture is completely locked. Leave it for at least 60 minutes and wash it with a high quality shampoo. Olive oil will help your hair leaving soft and silky. If you have split ends, then better to cut them down periodically so that it will not damage your hair. Avoid using harsh chemicals, coloring products, rollers, hair dryers, steamers and ironers on your hair as it damages the hair to the extreme. Apart from these common things, you will have to concentrate on healthy diet. There are essential healthy vitamins in healthy food which helps in making your hair look shiny and lustrous.